Friday, May 09, 2008

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 19

This week shows that I'm getting to the point where losing those last few pounds and bit of fat is getting toughest of all. Although I lost a pound, my waist size stayed idle. I'm going to have to get really serious if I want that to drop any more.

In fact, just to show how serious I am, I signed up for Turbulence Training. This program is designed by Craig Ballantyne, the same person who is over the Men's Health Belly Off program. There are tons of workouts. I'll be starting on these next week. I guess that means that this is my last week for the Bodyweight exercises.

Weight: 180.2
Waist: 35 1/4"


Anonymous said...

Great progress Muro. Welcome to Turbulence Training. You'll love the programs. Keep it up and see you on the TT Forum

Craig Ballantyne, CTT, Certified Turbulence Trainer said...

i look forward to helping you reach your goals!