Thursday, February 28, 2008

High Intensity Interval Training

Like I have mentioned before, I have started High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The best way to explain it is that I'm "working harder, working faster." Last night was the perfect time to try it out, too.

I went to the Alabama basketball game where we defeated Arkansas 59-56. However, I knew that I wouldn't have much time to exercise, shower, eat, and leave on time to meet everyone at the Coliseum. Having done the slower speed (30 minutes) HIIT before, I figured it was the perfect time to try out the short workout but at a quicker pace(13 minutes).

The following is from an Interval plan from the Bellyoff workouts, which I used yesterday.

The trick with HIIT is that no matter how fast you run in the "Hard" interval, you must slow down to a walk on the "Easy" interval. I'll let the creator of Turbulence Training and The Belly Off Program, Craig Ballantyne, explain it better.

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