Friday, June 06, 2008

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 23

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I've been working on getting a new job and earlier this week it was offered to me! I'm the new Web Developer for the Office of Web Communications here on-campus. I can't wait to start--my first day is June 23rd. Today I'm going to their staff retreat to meet everyone in the department, which should be interesting since I'm technically not working there yet.

Anyways, onto the fat loss. I'm pretty proud of myself this week. Last weekend I went on a rafting trip and had to skip my Friday workout and Saturday HIIT. I did what I could while there, but it wasn't the same and I was kinda bummed about it. I still got a decent workout going down the river and trying to stay in the boat. Nonetheless, I continued the workout schedule on Monday and will just have to leave that last workout alone.

So far, I'd say Turbulence Training has been a success. I've lost a total of 4 lbs and nearly 1" off my waist since starting four weeks ago. I'm more impressed with the waist size because for about three weeks I hovered at the same waist size of 35.25".

Next month, I start a new TT regiment, so I hope to see more results.

Weight: 176.2
Waist: 34.25"

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